July 10, 2007

Union High VIDEO: 1994 High School Marching Band - Batman Theme Song

Here's a pretty cool video of the Union High School Marching Banding doing their version of the Batman Theme Song in 1994! It's actually pretty neat to watch ( and hear ) because they do a really great job & the costumes are awesome! If you watch it you'll see Batman, Catwoman & The Joker too! We're especially proud of this video because this school is from Oklahoma, our home state!


Anonymous said...

I always though marching bands were kind of corny, but I must admit I was very impressed with this.

Tommy! said...

HA HA, Yes, I feel the exact same way. I mean, what kind of budget did they have for those costumes? They are pretty nice, ha ha.

Anonymous said...

dude.. im in this band.. the budget for those uniforms wasnt that much.. they are just great.. and we have an amazing bandparent group.. i think this is one of our best shows ever