July 10, 2007

PRESS KIT For 1940's BATMAN & ROBIN Movie Serials Showing Vintage Movie Posters

Here's a really great photo ( click on it for the larger, more detailed, version ) of the original 1940's MOVIE PRESS KIT for the Vintage 40's Batman Movie Serials. Basically it was some promotional material sent to movie theaters explaining how to use the movie posters & hype the classic movies. We can't even begin to explain how super-RARE this baby is & we also seriously LOVE the Golden Age graphics!!


Mike Overall said...

Hey, cool site! Did a Yahoo! search on toy sites and yours came up. I love Batman so I will visit often. Check my site out as well! My toys

Tommy! said...

Hey Mike,
I checked out your page the other day & it's pretty cool! You have some great toys there, especially the Batman ones. Ha Ha, it's sort of funny, we're neighbors. I live in Oklahoma & was just in Dallas last week. Thanx for enjoying the BAT-BLOG & we do have a Message Board were you can met other toy collectors. Check it out!!


ozz said...

"Tie in and cash in!"

There's an idea that's never gone away. Ha!

That is cool stuff to look at.