July 21, 2012

Petco Stores Set To Sell DC COMICS PLUSH DOG TOYS Later!

This is just a quick post to give "Dog Owning" Batman Fans the heads-up that DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Consumer Products have partnered with "FETCH... FOR PETS!" to produce a line of unique DC super hero-themed Pet Products which will be available at PETCO Stores in the fall.

Now, we don't have any prototype pics yet but here are some special edition dog plushes they gave away for free at the recent San Diego Comic-Con. As you can see they made batman, Superman, and The Joker!! I image that the actual products they will make for retail will be better & maybe even a little bit bigger, these were just giveaways but are still pretty cool.

Please stay tuned to the BAT-BLOG.COM and once we get more product pics we will be sharing them. Also, if YOU see ANY Brand-New Batman-themed Items in ANY Retail Stores then please let us know.

1 comment:

CaptainBatSpider95 said...

legit! guess whos buying the Joker and Batman dog for himself ;) ill get my dog the superman one lol