Alright! It's "Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday" again so since I got a recent request for more "Batman Comic Book Art" I thought I would post these babies. Here's a set of Desktop Wallpapers I made using graphics drawn ( penciled ) by Curt Swan & inked by Murphy Anderson. Personally, these 2 artists are some favorites of mine & I totally love the retro-feel of the artwork, it's very "silver-age" or vintage. I made the 1st one just black & white to sort of show-off the crisp-clean line work. Then the others are jazzed-up with a little color. I made the blue one sort of light-colored, just in case you have a ton of desktop icons ( they'll be easier to see ). Now remember, we always post new backgrounds every Wed & we also have a ton of them you can see by digging through the Bat-Blog Archives ( located at the middle of the left-side of this page ).
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