Learning Spanish: Batman in the Latin American Culture!
One aspect of the Bat-Blog that I really enjoy is getting to meet people from all over the world who love the character. It's totally crazy to me how Batman is so popular all over the globe. I think that's neat. Now, one thing I like to do here every now & then is cover Batman-related news from other places but a lot of times I totally can't understand the language. Sadly, I only speak English & if a website or other information is in another language ( like German, Spanish, Japanese, etc...) then I'm screwed! It mainly happens when I talk about brand-new bat-merchandise ( Toys, Comic Books, etc ) I have found outside the USA. Now of course I don't mean for this to be offensive in any way. I'm just an idiot who only speaks one language, ha ha! Well, the other day a friend of mine who lives extremely far away sent me a wonderful list of a few "Batman Words" that are in Spanish. I thought it was pretty interesting so here it is ( Hey, You didn't know you were gonna learn something new today, did you? ): - Bruce Wayne is Bruno Diaz
- Dick Grayson is Ricardo Tapia
- The Joker is El Guason
- Catwoman is Gatubela
- Batgirl is Batichica
- Gordon is Fierro
- The Riddler is El Acertijo
- Mr Freeze is Capitan Frio
If you watch the Batman Animated Series DVDs with the Spanish Subtitles Bruce Wayne is called Bruno Diaz...not sure about the other names, I'll have to look again.
bruno diaz, hahahah. awesome.
So how do you say "The Batman" in Spanish?
"The Batman" is called in spanish as "El Murcielago". I'm from Argentina and a huge Batman fan, you can write to me in english and ask any Batman information or data you may need from here. My blog is:
As an example:
Poison Ivy= Hiedra Venenosa
The Penguin= El Pinguino
EggHead= Cabeza de huevo
Scarecrow= El espantapajaros
My blog in english is "the entrance to the batcave" and my nickname is el murcielaguito or the little bat!
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