January 4, 2009

Actor PAT HINGLE Died - He played Commissioner Gordon in the early BATMAN Movies

Actor Pat Hingle, who played Commissioner Jim Gordon in the Batman movies from 1989 through 1997, died on Saturday. He was only 84 years old. Friends of the family say he has battled heath problems the last few years. His last role was in "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby" which came out in 2006. On a personal level I always liked this guy, both in the Batman movies, & many other films he did. Plus, as a regular person, he always seemed like a really cool guy. He will be missed. . . Rest in Peace. As sort of tribute I found this recent video of him talking about his life. It's titled "Pat Hingle, In His Own Words".

CLICK HERE For More Batman Video!


Timothy said...

RIP, Mr. Hingle! I enjoyed your work very much!

ozz said...

A sad note to start the year.

As a huge Twilight Zone fan, I also remember him for his appearance in the episode "The Incredible World Of Horace Ford".

Anonymous said...

"only" 84?? that's a long life!