THE DARK KNIGHT BatmanToy Display at TOYS-R-US in Oklahoma City!
OK, I am NOW a major Bat-Nerd! When I saw this HUGE Batman / The Dark Knight Movie Store Display at Toys-R-Us in Oklahoma City (my hometown) I had to get some photos of it to share here, ha ha! It looks really cool & as soon as you enter the store, BAAMMM! There it is! The figure of Batman, in the middle, has a really neat multi-level 3-D quality to it that makes it look like he coming right at you! Then, on both sides are some very cool graphics of the Tumbler Batmobile & the Bat-Pod motorcycle ( they're 3-D also ). While there ( and since I had my camera ) I also got some photos of a few new Batman Dark Knight toys that looked pretty cool. First, there's the Large 30 inch Batman Figure that is totally & completely incredible! I mean, they are beautiful works of ART. Another new item I thought was kinda cool, in a weird way, was this Tyco RC Remote Controlled Bat-Boat! Now, I don't think this is an actual vehicle they're gonna have in the new movie ( I think they "made it up" & I usually hate that ) but it kinda looks like the Tumbler's design & is very unusual. Right now I want to ask all Bat-Blog Readers who have any "Store Display" photos to please send them in. Our e-mail button is always at the top right side of this page.
Batman Lawn Mowers! At last!
Man, I just sold my large Batman from the Batman Returns line, I shouldn't have done that, you are right those 30" figures are really cool!
Also, cool, another chance at the radio control batboat! I know it's a "expanded universe" vehicle, but it is cool looking!
I really want the Joker crime scene evidence action figure ... hmm, I wonder if I can even find any.
I hope you tracked the manager down and asked if you could have the display artwork once the promo campaign was over!
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