BATMAN TOY COLLECTOR in Singapore Shares Photos of His Awesome Action Figure Collection!
Remember our new friend Kuan who, in a previous post, sent us some really interesting photos of "Batman Movie Advertising in Singapore"? Well, yesterday he sent a few pics of his amazing Batman Action Figure Collection! The 1st photo shows the 1st 100 Kenner Batman Action Figures & I gotta admit that they're pretty impressive. ( If you look at the very 1st figure at the far top left-hand side, that is the Super Powers figure from the 1980's! ) It's always neat to see toy collections & I really like how this one is displayed on that staircase, very cool! The 2nd photo shows a few Batman action figures he has bought recently that are related to both The Dark Knight & the Batman Begins movies. It's really neat to compare the ones made by many different toy companies like Hot Toys, Takara, Mattel, & Medicom. Also, the Tumbler Batmobile is 1/6 scale & is the Remote Control RC Car by Tyco. WOW! Great collection Kuan & thank you very much for sharing your pictures, they're awesome! I want to invite ALL our Bat-Blog Readers to send us photos of their toy collections.( One last note, if the pictures seem small then just click on them for larger, more detailed, versions ).
I love seeing other's collections, this is a great feature. I need to dust mine and get it posted!
Awesome collection, bro!
We tend to collect just the toy batmobiles (as opposed to die-cast ones); gotten about 13 now and counting, awaiting successful bids on eBay...
salam (peace)
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