Batman Fan Wears Awesome Joker Costume To THE DARK KNIGHT Movie Opening!
A Bat-Blog Reader named Brad wrote us this letter, "Here is my best friend, Jay, dressed as The Joker for the opening night of “The Dark Knight” in Eugene, Oregon at Cinemark Theaters. Jay stayed in character for the entire film, handing out playing cards, & asking everyone, “why so serious?” Ha Ha, Thanks Brad. Please tell Jay that his costume is awesome & the make-up looks pretty good too. I love to see fans get serious! ( Excuse the pun ). This must have been a lot of fun for you guys & I bet it made the movie experience a lot better for many who got to meet "The Joker". Also, handing out playing cards was a great idea. Thanks again for sending the story & cool photo, I appreciate that. One other thing, is Jay still wearing that same outfit today? If so, tell him he is not the "real" Joker! ( I'm kidding, ha ha ).
Haha, that's so awesome.
Hey Tom!
Thanks for postin' me up on your blog! I know I've really made it when I see myself here. :-)
The costume was definitely a labor of love. I actually suprised myself in creating it...
See, I had been planning on doing a costume for the TDK premiere since I saw the trailer with Ledger as The Joker. But as busy people are wont to do, I never got around to it. Eventually I forgot about it and went along with my life, business as usual.
Lo and behold, TDK's opening was the next day and I realized that I had in NO WAY a costume ready for the premiere. I mean, this is what I DO, and I had nothing ready. If I showed up naked it'd be less weired for my friends than not showing up in costume for something like this.
Luckily, the morning of release, I had the day off from work. And I'll tell you, you'll never see me get up earlier on a day off than I was up that day.
It became my mission to wrangle together something looking like a passable costume. Hitting the 5 local thrift stores it was easy enough to find purple pants (plus size womens section), a green vest (again, women's section), and a similar looking purple shirt (bottom of the $1 bargain bin). I already had the tie and gloves, but I faced finding the thing that I knew would be next to impossible to locate in the heat of summer in the middle of Oregon: a purple trenchcoat. It was at the very last Thrift Store in town that I was walking amongst, you guessed it, the ladies section and found the holy grail of last minute Joker costumes on sale for $10: The coat you see in the picture.
Immediately after the last of my clothing purchases accounted for, I ran off to the theatrical makeup supply store to get some clown white and some liquid latex for my scar makeup. I was horrified to find that the only store within a 60 Mile radius that sold Theatrical makeup had apparently closed up shop until August 1st without me knowing. Infuriated to have gotten so far only to be stopped by this obstacle, I ran to every place I thought might be able to give me a reasonable compromise: Beauty Shops, Hot Topic, anything. No Dice.
It was at that point that whereas I was a theatre major who had his giant box of makeup stolen, my wife was smart enough to keep hers locked away. Luckily she had plenty of clown white as well as scar wax. I set about creating the makeup (which, mind you, took the better part of 2 hours...scar wax SUCKS to work with) and greening up my hair with some recently acquired hair color form Hot Topic.
The final result came in time for the premiere (after a small side stop at Target to pick up some playing cards), and I hope that it was fun for everyone involved, it certainly was an adventure for me.
If anyone wants to see some more pictures, I've got a few High Qual shots I took before the premiere. I'd be more than happy to send them to Tom for posting.
Anyway, thanks for the priase, and remember: It's easy...Kill, the BATMAN.
~Jay Hash
Eugene, OR
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