While surfing the net recently I came across this group of really talented tattoo artists in Santa Cruz, California named STAIRCASE TATTOOS. They feature a lot of nice examples of tattoo work but my favorite was this one of Batman. Now, I know I have seen the original comic book art this was taken from but can't remember. it's driving me crazy so if anyone knows please tell me, ha ha!
If you wanna check out more of their tattoo art then visit their website:http://www.staircasetattoo.com
As a side note ~ 2 Bat-Blog readers were kind enough to remind me that this was the cover to "Batman: Shadow of the Bat # 1" with the art work by Brian Stelfreeze...Thanx guys!
The artwork is from Shadow of the Bat #1.
Oh yeah, that's right....Thank You!
It is the cover art by Brian Stelfreeze.
Thanks for the Bat-blog, I check it out daily.
Cool art. Cool influence. I wonder if the recipient ever got the rest of it colored in. I like the Last Arkham storyline.
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