BATMAN Wallpaper Backgrounds - Graphic Artwork & Action Figures Photo
Here every week at the we post some unique BATMAN Wallpaper Backgrounds that are fun. We call the event, "Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday", ha! The 1st one is a wonderful graphic sent in by our friend Chris. It's a colored drawing of multiple Batman heads, very cool! His friend, Aaron Florian, created it. You can visit Aaron's website by clicking HERE! ( Sorry, I think you have to be a Tumblr Member to see everything ). The next wallpaper is pretty simple, but still looks great as a background. It's a photo of 2 very cool DC Direct Batman Action Figure Toys. The left one is a "Golden Age 1939" version ( or "Batman's First Appearance ). The right one is a more "Modern Day" version... awesome! I wanna thank Chris for thinking about the Bat-Blog & sending this wonderful artwork. Plus, as always, please let me know which Dark Knight Wallpaper you like the best!
The "modern" Batman has definitely spent more time in the BatGym than the "Golden Age" version did. Ha.