January 28, 2009

JOKER From THE DARK KNIGHT Movie DESKTOP WALLPAPERS : Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday!

If you read the Bat-Blog a lot then you know what day it is...it's WACKY WALLPAPER WEDNESDAY! Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! We post 2 FREE brand-new Batman Desktop Wallpapers every Wed! OK, shown here are a few inspired by The Dark Knight Batman movie, mainly Heath Ledger's version of THE JOKER. They were made by a friend named Matt who did them with Adobe Illustrator. He was nice enough to allow me to share these & I'm sort of proud to because they're just so freakin' AWESOME! The 1st one is the scene where The Joker crashes in on Bruce Wayne's Penthouse Party. It's the moment where he says, "We are tonight's entertainment", a classic scene. I also really like the splattered blood effect, a nice touch. The next one is just as cool. It shows the Joker in full-length where you can really see his purple coat ( the one he bought with the Mob's money, ha ha ). This one also makes an awesome background, give it a try. I wanna thank Matt for the use of these amazing graphics...you ROCK, Sir!
CLICK HERE For More FREE Batman The Joker Heath Ledger Desktop Wallpaper Backgrounds of The Dark Knight!

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