October 15, 2008

BATMAN DESKTOP BACKGROUND Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday!

Whoops! I just got an e-mail asking me, "Hey, where's the Batman Wallpapers? It's Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday!!" Ha Ha, sorry. It totally slipped my mind that today was Wed so I'm gonna post THREE wallpapers to make up for it...thanks. The 1st one is a great scene of Heath Ledger's JOKER from THE DARK KNIGHT Batman movie. The 2nd one is an image of THE JOKER from the new MORTAL KOMBAT VS DC UNIVERSE video game. OK, I saved the best one for last. The graphic is a drawing of the Batman Family by Fred Hembeck. He's one of the funniest cartoonist out there doing parodies of superheroes.
CLICK HERE For More FREE Batman Desktop Backgrounds Wallpaper of The Dark Knight!

1 comment:

ozz said...

I don't remember actually seeing that first image in the movie, and I've seen it four times now. Strange.