May 1, 2015

SUICIDE SQUAD Movie - Is Warner Bros Starting a VIRAL MARKETING VIDEO Campaign??

Of course the photo of Ben Affleck up above is NOT official, it's a parody of the latest JOKER PHOTO featuring the Actor Jared Leto from the new SUICIDE SQUAD movie. But I thought it was kinda funny so I'm sharing it here.

OK, now for something serious! There's a rumor that Warner Brothers has started a viral campaign for the SUICIDE SQUAD film! Remember what they did for THE DARK KNIGHT Batman movie? But all of this has not been totally confirmed yet by us so please take it all with a grain of salt. 

There have been a few sources saying it's true but I'm being cautious. Anyways, here is the VERY FIRST VIRAL VIDEO where, supposedly, you can hear the laughter of the Joker done with Jared Leto's voice. Check it out!

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