October 3, 2013

MAKE A WISH Helps ALEX Become Robin, The Boy Wonder!!

ABC News recently ran a story about a small boy, age 7, who is living with Leukemia but also got to be a superhero for the day. In fact, he wanted to be Batman's sidekick, Robin! So, the Make a Wish Foundation teamed-up with the Anaheim Police Department to do just that!!

You can read about his adventure by clicking RIGHT HERE and trust me, it's a completely heart-warming story you won't want to miss!

Our biggest "Best wishes" go out to Alex Lelenoa for being a very special superhero and we hope he gets much better soon!

Oh yeah, just in case anyone is inspired to help others, please CLICK HERE!

1 comment:

Nate Truman said...

Love the Bat Blog! This is Nate Truman from StarCarCentral.com and it was great fun to be able to drive Alex around in my Batmobile and be part of his special day! We had it all scheduled for August, but he wasn't doing too well and the Doctors called it off. We were all so glad he rebounded and we were able to grant him is special wish!