April 13, 2010

POW! Batman-inspired Graphic Art at Target Retail Stores!

A friend of mine over at a Message Board I belong to found these POP ART Wall Hangings the other night at a Target Store. They're in their "Decorating Interior Design" area where they have a bunch of Clocks, Lamps, Framed Pictures & other Home Accessories. They're designed to look a lot like the 1966 Batman TV Show where they had POW! & BANG! appear on the screen. OK, how fun is that?! Now while they are not exactly "Batman merchandise" they are still kind of cool! If anything these would be great for a little kid's bedroom or baby nursery room. Let me know if you get any. In fact, if any Bat-Blog fans come across new Caped Crusader items while they're shopping then please let us know, thanks.


Unknown said...

Batman en un merecido descanso

ozz said...

Those are cool!

Anonymous said...

I bought these for our comic book room and the "BANG" fell off the wall and the cat attacked it...its a total mess and I'd love to find another. All the Target stores in our area are out...anyone want the sell theirs, or know where I can find another?!! River0174@yahoo.com