THE DARK KNIGHT COOKIES Batman Movie Food Product
Riddle me this, Batman! The following pictures were sent in by a Bat-Blog Reader ( Thanks Adam ) who is trying to find out what country these special "Tormis Cookies" were made. Anybody know? Sadly I had to tell him I have never seen these before ( they are pretty cool though ). The Tormis Pastry Cookie Company had a promotional tie-in with the recent "The Dark Knight" Batman movie & even had special POGS you could collect. I would also like to know where these are from so if anybody knows then please contact us. Our e-mail button is always on the top right-hand side of this webpage.
Hi Tommy, those cookies are from Argentina, they were manufactured and sold in 2008 by Arcor, a company who specializes mainly in candies. You can find some basic information at the company site or you could check the official Fomis site, currently promoting a limited edition of Ben10. [in spanish].
Hi! I´m Nicolás From Argentina. The name of the cookies is "Formis", from Arcor Food Company.This Cookies are from this country.
Great Blog!
Good Luck!
Those are FORMIS cookies and those would be from Argentina.
A very interesting find!
These are just amazing. I'm a big fan of The Dark Knight and these cookies look really yummy, I even like the designs of both Batman and The Joker on them. Just looks very menacing and scary.
I am a fan of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and of course i love cookies as well. But i have never tried these before at all. But what i do know is that they were sold a long time ago at some stores. But still they just look really awesome,
Also i really love your blog, It's so awesome and the great Batman stuff you have here is just awesome, Thanks friend and keep up the good work.
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