Coming Soon: NEW HOT WHEELS Batman Batmobile 1:50 Scale Cars by Mattel
This is just a quick post to let people know about a few brand-new 1:50 Scale Hot Wheels Batmobile Cars that will be coming out later by Mattel in 2009. They are all a part of the WAVE 2 series of vehicles that have already started to come out. These will probably be the 2nd part of that set. Just check 'em out, they're really great! Here's the Super Friends Batmobile Car, the Tumbler Batmobile ( Camouflage version ) from the Batman Begins movie, & the Black Tumbler from The Dark Knight. OK, they're all very cool but I gotta say that I love that Superfriends TV Cartoon version the best!!
They are out now. I got the Superfriends batmoble last weekend at a Toys r us in Atlanta. They also had the camo tumbler.
Mark Bass
Because it's just so different than anything else we'd ever seen before, it seems odd to me to call the Tumbler a "Batmobile".
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