CITIZENS FOR BATMAN Viral Marketing Website for THE DARK KNIGHT Movie!
On Tuesday, June 8th, one of the Official Viral Marketing Websites for the Dark Knight Batman Movie, named CITIZENS FOR BATMAN, will be featuring 2 special events & a "Live Video" of the events. For starters their main page features 2 sets of longitude/latitude coordinates. At each location they want people to gather for some kind of special event. At the same time they will have "live video" for the rest of us who can not be there. Here's a link to the actual page. Please be sure to bookmark the Bat-Blog before ya go...I'm excited! Will this be a new trailer??
Did anyone else look up these coordinates and want to go? I'm two hours away from the second point though and slightly worried I'd be heading out there and just end up showing how bad I am at high school science and be in the wrong place...
Here's the last piece of the Batman viral puzzle…and this one is by far the coolest!
Go to and click on the Arkham Asylum button. Click on "Commit a Friend" and you'll get to upload a friend's photo and have them committed to Batman's Arkhum Asylum. It really looks like you're an inmate in the video! I posted my video to my Facebook…
Here's a direct link -
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