December 11, 2007

Batman Graffitti Art Mural : Memphis, Tenn.

Hey Readers, click on the small photo above to see it large, it's worth it! A friend to the Bat-Blog named Andy ( Memphis, Tennessee ) sent us this amazing photo. Andy wrote, "I have enclosed a photo of a painting of Batman that was painted on the side of a comic book shop here in Memphis, Tennessee. And here is the kicker, it was painted by...Jerry "The King" Lawler! Yes, THE Jerry Lawler of WWE wrestling fame! He is a Memphian and a fantastic artist. Unfortunately the painting is long gone. I took the pic about 10 years ago. I hope all the Bat-fans enjoy it. I have more Bat-stuff to send you soon. Thanks again and the Bat-Blog is Bat-tastic!" Wow Andy, another wonderful photo from you. I really appreciate that, that's cool. You're right about Lawler being a very good artist. I love this thing, too bad it's now gone but thanks to your photo we can enjoy it. Thanks again.


chrishaley said...

Oh wow!
Thank you so much for posting this!
This was my favorite thing in the entire city when I was a kid, and I was just trying to tell someone not from here about it the other day.
Also, thanks for checking out my blog as well. How'd you come across me?

ozz said...

Lawler did a solid job on that.