Here's a really nice photo sent in by a loyal BAT-BLOG Reader of the SUPER-RARE Vintage "X-15 BATMOBILE" Tricycle made by Mattel in the 1960's. This is an extremely cool Bat-Collectible that is very very hard-to-find! We think it was made during the 1966 TV Series so that's cool. Thanx to Johnny for sending us the photos! Be sure to check the BAT-BLOG ARCHIVES for many more Vintage Batman Toys like Corgi, Ideal, Marx, Transogram, Mego, etc...
I found one just like this. Not in as good a shape, but a fine item none the less. If anyone knows this items value or where I might be able to find information, please email me at: tyger4688@yahoo.com
FYI. A Batmobile just like this one sold recently for $670 on eBay.
I have one of these, but it's not a Batmobile. Mine is just an X-15, like the experimental plane.
The bat on the control stick looks really dangerous! I wonder how many kids were seriously injured by that.
Wow! I had the very same model as this one. Got it brand new at chrismas 66/67? The knob on the control panel made a siren type whaaaaa sound that incresed as you pedelled it faster and faster. There were also seat belts that you would wear. I have only seen the one that I had, in all of my years, the big wheel came out a couple of years afterward,
More V-RROOM! info can be found at the Museum of Vintage VRROOM!.
I also owned an X-15 "batmobile" edition I think the one in the photo is a 1967,I received mine in July of 1966 and the decals were slightly different and it did not have the bat on the joy stick,I was the most popular kid on the block,i used to barter items for rides on it.The depressing part is I left it in my parents garage,I went looking for it about 10 years ago and found out it was sold in a garage sale....for $15.00
I had one like this when I was four. Loved it. I when down the sidewalk and an old lady came out and yelled at me because my siren made that noise!
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