Here's an inspiring news story revolving around the recent tragedy in Aurora, Colorado that we knew we had to share here at the BAT-BLOG. It's about a guy named Kevin Awalt who runs a business named "Gotham Auto Works" in Danbury, CT. He was saddened by the horrific event that happened during the time of "The Dark Knight Rises" movie premier. So much so that he decided to do something about it.
He created this beautiful "Bat-Tribute Logo" and then started selling t-shirts & Decal Stickers. He's actually sold a few so far but I think we need to help this guy out and sell many MANY more! I mean, you should not only buy a few of these for yourself ( they make great gift ideas ) but please be sure to help spread the news about this good cause.
Hey, if you're on Facebook or Twitter then please spread this post because it has all the information people will need to buy the shirt. I wanna sell about a 1000 of these babies! Let's show the people of Aurora, Colorado what HUGE hearts Batman Fans truly have. Thanks. Also, Thank You Kevin Awalt for doing a good deed like this, we truly appreciate it.
To order a T-shirt, contact Awalt by email at, via his website at, by phone at 203-885-1070 or by mail at Gotham Auto Works, 9 South St., Danbury, CT 06810.
Here's some more links to check out:
Tom, thank you so much for helping with this. To date I have sold about 180 shirts and have been able to send $1500 out to the Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance and I will be mailing out another check for $750 tomorrow along with some great shots of everyone who is supporting this by wearing their shirts. It's about so much more than the money though. I want the people of Aurora to know that we stand behind them with our symbol shining. Thank you again.