New 2012 GOLDEN AGE BATMAN Graphic Novel Books in Argentina!!
Oh Man, BATMAN Fans and Collectors who live in Argentina are having fun right now! The local CLARIN Newspaper chain has published a special series of Batman Graphic Novels that reprint the first 100 Batman Stories starting with the Classic Golden Age 1939 DETECTIVE COMICS #27 Story. I think they're basically reprints of the "Batman Chronicles" Books we had here in the US, but in a different format. Anyways, there will be 16 Issues to collect and Volume # 1 is out, right now, as we speak! The books have 100 pages and are in full-color. Our good friend Cesar told us about these ( He lives there. Oh, and Thanks Cesar! ) and he said they're pretty nice quality. Shown here is the cover to Volume #1, an advertisement showing other issues, and then the last photo is a pic of some die-cut promo items that were suppliments inside the Clarin Newspaper.
LOL,I Live in Argentina and i got from issue 1 from 6
LOL,I Live in Argentina and i got from issue 1 from 6
I'm manuel from Argentina, I have those books!, nice to see them in this page!. Recórcholis Batman!
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