Here are 2 amazing BATMAN Tattoo Photos we recently got that show some amazing artwork! The 1st one, done for our Friend Bob, is a special graphic showing 3 different Batman Bat-Symbol Logos, all in one! The design concept is unique and clever. Plus, it looks great!
The 2nd one is very cool too. This is from our Friend Brian, who got this large Tattoo showing Batman and Robin in the 1966 George Barris Batmobile Car!! It's sharp and has great coloring/shading, nice!
I wanna thank both Bob and Brian for sharing their fun pics. Hey Guys, these Bat-Masterpieces of ART look incredible, Thanks! If any other BAT-BLOG.COM Fans get any ink done then please send pics too!
Thanks for posting this Tommy! Huge is right it goes past my elbow and up to my armpit. I love being able to search 1966 Batmobile Tattoo and this show up!!! :)