Her artwork looks very much like the kind of Illustration you might see in Vintage 1940's or 50's Little Golden Books. At first they appear "simple". That is, until you notice all the very elaborate shading and complex shapes. Also, let me tell you, pulling off a "minimal-style" type of artwork like this is extremely difficult. Stephanie's art is very well-done! It's super super-cute without making your teeth ache, ha! Plus, her Pin-Up Women are actually very beautiful and represent the species well.

OK so later, all of a sudden, she starts drawing Comic Book Heroines and Villains, POW! Characters like Batgirl, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and more! Now, this is where I think her work really sparkles! Don't get me wrong, her other stuff is great too, but these "New Superheroes" are fresh. In fact, I would love to see an entire Graphic Novel done this way! Maybe make it the exact size of a Little Golden Book with the Gold-Foil Spine. Even "animated" would be cool.
Anyways, I contacted her and she was sweet enough to share some of her amazing art with us. Because of space limitations I needed to edit her work down to just a few pictures but that proved to be wayyyy too difficult... because they're ALL SO AWESOME!! So, I'm just posting them all, right now, ha ha! ( Thanks Stephanie )
To see more art please be sure to visit her website, just click HERE!

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