OK, I guess I'm being pretty lazy this morning with this "image dump" post, but I'm soooo tired! But these pics are really great and totally worth checking out so shut-up, ha ha! The 1st one is from "The Dark Knight" movie and the Joker is telling Batman a very mean knock-knock joke, OUCH!
Next up is a hilarious parody t-shirt that a friend of our found online. The shirt uses a special glow-in-the-dark ink, pretty clever.
Oh yeah, I saved the best for last! I say that because I love vintage photos and this one has a very cool history. This photo was from an event held in Northern Italy back in the 1970's. I have no idea what the celebration was for, but all these small children wearing awesome Batman Bat-Suit Costumes is just completely charming & wonderful! ( Thanks to everybody who submitted these pics: Saul, Jennifer, Jamie, & Robert )
Classy job adding your watermark to someone else's work! Looks great and completely professional!