November 23, 2011


Here's a very well put together video of our Buddy BatDave having the full "Original 1967 BATMAN MOVIE BAT-COPTER Experience" at the NJ State Fair. Oh yeah, every year Helicopter Pilot, Captain Gene Nock makes a few appearances at various locations with his Famous Bat-Copter. This video was shot to sort of share what it's like. Now, I rode a Bell Helicopter like this once ( but NOT the Bat-Copter ) at my local Oklahoma State Fair and I can say that it's pretty amazing! That huge clear plastic bubble gives you an incredible view and the one I rode had a clear-glass floor! It's the closest way you can experience true flight except for maybe hang gliding or parachuting, ha!

CLICK HERE For More Batman Fan Video!

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the coolest looking blogs I've seen.
