Over at the Bat-Blog's Facebook page we recently met a very talented Graphic Artist named Andy Pemberton. He's a huge Batman Fan & since his Son is too he has even made a few items for his him. The first photo shows a nice pair of Custom-Painted Converse Shoes with images of Batman and The Joker from the "Batman: The Brave and The Bold" TV Show. This pair looks incredible & whoever does marketing for that show should sell these, they're great! But Andy's other shoes he has made are nice too. Check out the ones with Mr. Freeze ( Animated Series ) & Poison Ivy ( Comic Book Cover ) graphics... nice! Then, in the last photo, there's a few items Andy made for his Son. It's a Custom 1966 Batmobile-Inspired Bicycle Ride-On!! He also made him a Bike Safety-Helmet that looks like the Cowl worn by Adam West. Plus, there's a great Messenger Bike Bag with graphics from the animated intro to the classic '66 TV Show... AWESOME!! ( Thanks to Andy for sharing these pics & keep up the good work ).
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