Kevin is HARVEY DENT / TWO-FACE From The Dark Knight Batman Movie!
Alright, these photos were really fun to receive because for the 1st time I got to see what my friend Kevin looks like ( I've known him on the Internet for awhile but have never met him ) and I got to see his amazing Batman-themed Halloween Costume! He chose to be Harvey Dent / Two-Face & his make-up plus costume are totally awesome! I mean, extremely well done. He really looks like he has been burned. His business suit is perfect on one side & damaged on the other. Plus, the "Vote For Harvey Dent" Political Campaign Button is a nice touch...he even has a 2-sided Coin! Thank you Kevin for sending us these great pics. You should be very proud of your costume & I bet it will be a SMASH-HIT at any Halloween Party! I'm not dressing-up this year & I'm totally jealous, ha ha!
dNot bad!