September 13, 2009

Do You Know The Name of This BATMAN & ROBIN Illustrator ?

A friend recently bought this original artwork that is actually a very large advertising poster featuring Batman, Robin, The Joker, The Penguin, The Batmobile Car, & The Bat-Jet ( whew! ). It was painted by an artist named Tooley for the Mid-Continent Expositions Inc ©1967. Tooley was an illustrator and this was a concept-design painting for a parade float that he was commissioned for by Mid-Continent in 1967 around the time of the Batman TV Show ( the 2nd Season ). It measures 27 1/2 inches by 17 1/2 inches, is on heavy poster board, all hand painted including lettering. What we're trying to figure out is, "Who is this "Tooley" artist guy?", and "What ( or where ) was this Mid-Continent organization?" So, if anybody reading this might know the answer to either question then please respond by e-mail. Our e-mail button is always at the top right-hand side of this's drivin' us crazy not knowing anything, ha ha! Please be sure to click the above images for larger, more detailed, versions. Also, on a side-note: If they ever made this Batman Parade Float in real-life then it would have been SUPER-AWESOME!!

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