ADAM WEST-STYLE BATMAN Spotted In Tyler, Texas!
Last May 2nd was FREE COMIC BOOK DAY at every friendly neighborhood Comic Book Shop in the USA. Included in the list was GROUND ZERO COMICS in Tyler, Texas. But the cool thing was they had BATMAN there! OK, not the "Official Batman" like Christian Bale, Michael Keaton, Adam West, or others. But the next best thing...our friend, Deacon Bill! Bill wore a really excellent "1966 Batman TV Show" style costume with cape & cowl! He even had the cool Bat-Belt to complete the really well-made "Adam West" Bat-Suit! So, I wanna thank Bill for sending me the fun photo & also wanna invite everyone else who may have some "Bat-Moment Photos" to share then send them here. Remember, the Bat-Blog is all about FUN! Oh yeah, and toy collecting. and enjoying the cartoons, and...
1 comment:
Deacon Necessary is awesome! He also does 1950s Superman, Popeye, and a couple of others.
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