BATMAN MOVIE ( Michael Keaton Version ) TATTOO ART By Jeremy Shock
I have a friend on MySpace named Jeremy Shock. The other day his page popped up in a random fashion & I decided to check it out because, at the last minute, I realized he lives in the same city as me, Oklahoma City! His MySpace page is mainly about his artwork. He paints & sometimes makes drawings. Anyway, I thought I'd search his pics to see some of his artwork. While surfing his galleries I noticed he had one for tattoo art. That's where I found this amazing BATMAN TATTOO that I knew I had to share here. It's an older version of Batman from either 1989 or the early 90's, a Michael Keaton version. It really looks a lot like the actor who played Batman so I thought that was pretty cool. Shock's other artwork is very impressive too & if you're interesting you should check it out at
One last thing, if you're a MySpace Member then please add us! Here's a link:
Cool tat. It can tell that it looks inspired by the Keaton Batman, but I don't really see the resmemblance to Keaton. The eyes look like they belong to someone else who I can't quite place right now.
Seeing that tattoo reminds me of how convincing Michael Keaton was as Batman and Bruce Wayne. It really was like Batman and Bruce Wayne were different people. I don't know that I was old enough to appreciate what a good job he did.
I always did like Michael Keaton the best. Maybe because he was the First, i don't know. But i do know, that if you want to see a Really Bad-Ass Joker tatoo, (and i mean one that is actually burned into a guy's shoulder), you should check this post at Burpee's Comic Book Asylum. He's got a really Cool Green Lantern tatoo also but, MAN, you just gotta check his Joker.
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