November 13, 2008


For your viewing pleasure ( or torture ) is this fan-made montage showing just a few of the reasons that 1997's BATMAN AND ROBIN movie is one of the worst Batman films ever made, ha ha! Of course I'm talking about the one with Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Clooney, & Chris O 'Donnell. Now, the 2nd video is a small clip from an interview with Joel Schumacher & he actually apologizes for the movie being so bad. Seeing it actually makes me respect him a lot more. Yes, the movie is really bad but a few months ago, while on vacation, I saw this on TV one night & actually really enjoyed it. I mean, it's still awful but it made it kinda fun to watch.

CLICK HERE For More Batman Video!


  1. You know, that's the first time I've seen that since it was in the theater, and I have to say it makes exactly as much sense in 10 minutes as it does in the full version; if the original edit had been this short I might have made it through to the end. (Not really. I didn't even make it to the end of this version).

    Anyone who says the Adam West show was the low point of Bat-history should be forced to watch a DVD of this film on "repeat" for an entire weekend.

  2. It may be a real turkey of a movie in many ways, but I find it enjoyable nonetheless.

  3. Well he didn't really do what you said he did..

    " & he actually apologizes for the movie being so bad"

    That isn't what he said. He apologized to anyone that went into the movie with HIGH EXPECTATIONS and got disappointed. Nowhere did he say it was a bad movie. It's a batman movie. It wasn't supposed to be some oscar winner. It was supposed to entertain. And that is all he was wanting to do.

  4. Well, it *is* pretty bad, but it really doesn't deserve all the flak it gets, and neither does Mr. Schumacher. If you look at it as continuing on from "Forever," it makes sense--this is a Batman who's moved on from the murder of Mom and Dad and now dons the Batsuit because he chooses to.
