November 8, 2008

BATMAN ARCHIVES TRADING CARD SET #4 Our Fourth ( & Final ) Bat-Blog Contest Winner!

This morning I was thinking I would pick the 4th ( & last ) winner for the BATMAN ARCHIVES Trading cards. Ya know, just to get it over with ( we have another contest going for Chip Kidd's brand-new book titled BAT-MANGA: THE SECRET HISTORY OF BATMAN IN JAPAN & it's kind of confusing having 2 contests at the same time ). So, I picked the fourth name out of the hat for the winning name. Of course I'm talking about where we have been giving away 4 sets of the new BATMAN ARCHIVES Trading Cards. There was gonna be 4 winners, one picked every few days. These cards were all very generously donated by a Bat-Blog Reader nicknamed THE BATFAN so I wanna thank him very very much for this kind gesture. I know everybody will really enjoy these & I sincerely appreciate that, thanks Lee. OK, Now to announce the 4th final winner! The 4th set goes to Morgan L, Sr. of Baltimore, MD.!! Congrats Morgan, please send us an e-mail to confirm your address & I will be mailing you this awesome set of cards. Now, for everybody else, please remember that the Bat-Blog Contest for the new BAT-MANGA BOOK is still going on. We'll be announcing winners for that pretty soon so keep an eye out. Plus, if you have not entered yet then please do while there's still time. I've placed a link near the TOP/CENTER of this'll see it!

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