October 16, 2008

BAT-BLOG CONTEST: List of "German Gotham Times" Winners!

OK, for people following this blog they know that every month we have at least 1 or 2 Bat-Blog Contests where you can win wonderful prizes! Yesterday was the final entry time to enter our latest contest & last night, at midnight, we randomly picked 5 lucky people who will now receive a free copy of THE GOTHAM TIMES ( German Edition ) NEWSPAPER. This was a promotional premium at German movie theaters during The Dark Knight Batman movie & is actually very hard to come by here in the USA. To me, that made these prizes extremely cool! Also, these awesome set of prizes were donated by a very generous Bat-Blog Reader named Guenter, who lives in Germany. So, first & foremost I wanna thank him for making this fun contest possible...THANK YOU GUENTER! I also wanna thank everybody who joined in on the contest. OK, here's the deal. I have five of these newspapers to give away & the list of winners are as follows:
  • Jonathan T. of
  • Bensalem, PA.
  • Andrew E. of Parker, CO.
  • Matt M. of Omaha, NE.
  • Ryan D. of
  • Albertville, AL.
  • Richard P. of San Antonio, TX.
We want to congratulate all of the latest Bat-Blog Contest Winners & tell them now to look for our confirmation e-mails very soon. Also, we wanna thank Guenter again for making this awesome event possible! For readers new to this blog please be sure to stay tuned because we promise to bring more contests in the near future & YOU could be on our new list of winners!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tommy! I can't wait to get the paper! Yay Bat-Blog!
