- Jonathan T. of Bensalem, PA.
- Andrew E. of Parker, CO.
- Matt M. of Omaha, NE.
- Ryan D. of Albertville, AL.
- Richard P. of San Antonio, TX.
October 16, 2008
BAT-BLOG CONTEST: List of "German Gotham Times" Winners!
OK, for people following this blog they know that every month we have at least 1 or 2 Bat-Blog Contests where you can win wonderful prizes! Yesterday was the final entry time to enter our latest contest & last night, at midnight, we randomly picked 5 lucky people who will now receive a free copy of THE GOTHAM TIMES ( German Edition ) NEWSPAPER. This was a promotional premium at German movie theaters during The Dark Knight Batman movie & is actually very hard to come by here in the USA. To me, that made these prizes extremely cool! Also, these awesome set of prizes were donated by a very generous Bat-Blog Reader named Guenter, who lives in Germany. So, first & foremost I wanna thank him for making this fun contest possible...THANK YOU GUENTER! I also wanna thank everybody who joined in on the contest. OK, here's the deal. I have five of these newspapers to give away & the list of winners are as follows:
Thanks Tommy! I can't wait to get the paper! Yay Bat-Blog!