September 22, 2008

TATTOO ART: Batman, Batgirl, & Robin Logos!

Batman Tattoo Photos, SWEET!! Tonight I got an e-mail from a Bat-Blog Reader named Brian who wrote, "A week before the Dark Knight movie came out, my sister, her Boyfriend, and I, all went to get Batman, Batgirl, and Robin Tattoos. They always make fun of me because I am a huge Batman Fan, so I started to call them "Batgirl and Robin", well we all went to get our Tattoos together." Awesome story Brian & thanks for sending the great photos, I appreciate that. The artwork on these are really well done, nice & sharp. Plus, I like the coloring. Especially on the "Batman Logo" one, what with the blue exploding aura around the symbol & all. It's also pretty neat that they all got one too, that's cool. If any other readers have Bat-Tattoo photos & stories to share then please do. Our "e-mail button" is always on the top right-hand side of this page.
CLICK HERE For More Photos of Batman Tattoo Art Tattoos of The Dark Knight and Joker!


  1. Nice, although I would have just gotten the bat symbol and not Robin's symbol.

  2. OHHHH wow... very cool. I've got a simple black bat logo on my arm but now I'm seriously thinking about getting the blue explosive background put behind it.

  3. these are some BAD tattoos D:

  4. I agree that the blue aura behind the Batman logo is cool.
