September 3, 2008

Save the Superman House!

I know that this post sort of seems like it's not Batman-related but it is. There's a small residential house in Cleveland, Ohio where 2 teenage kids in the early 1930's dreamed up the idea of Superman. Of course I'm talking about Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster. The original house where "Superman was born" is a total wreck. So, the SIEGEL AND SHUSTER SOCIETY was created, as a charity, to raise money to restore the house. Many major artists of the comic book industry have donated artwork for auction. They are also selling T-Shirts & other products. They are also just accepting donations. The house where Google was created is saved. The farm where Hewlett Packard was founded is preserved. And Richard Nixon’s house is a museum. But the house where Superman — one of the world’s most recognized heroes — was created? It’s a wreck. So, with the creation of The Siegel & Shuster Society, they hope to raise enough money to repair the house and make sure it will be saved, restored, and there so you can take your kids one day. Without Superman there would have NEVER been a Batman. So, I'm asking all Bat-Blog Readers to please show your support. Let's show them that Batman Fans are the best! Here's a link button for more details. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. I live in Cleveland and everything is so screwed up there. We have the Rock n' Roll hall of Fame, except the induction ceremonies are in New York (that makes a lot of sense. I read an article about this in the local papers who wanted to convert the house into a museum, but instead they decided to put it Illinois. We keep trying to develop crap we don't have, and just totally ignore what we do have. If you read the comic strip Funky Winkerbean, one of the characters is currently "writing" Superman for DC, and to get inspiration he goes to visit the house where it started. The comic takes place in North East Ohio so it makes sense. Maybe that will also raise some awareness. They have houses of famous poets and authors saved as museums, why not famous, if not the most famous (well maybe Stan Lee is) comic creators of all time?
