September 15, 2008

JASPER, Our New Bat-Hound!

Here's the latest addition to our family, his name is "JASPER"!! ( My wife named him, not me, ha ha ). Yesterday I left the house to go pick up some dinner & was in kind of a hurry to get back. There was something on TV that I didn't want to miss. I approached the 1st intersection from my house & got a red light. I stopped & while sitting there, all of a sudden, I saw this little puppy sitting exactly in the middle of this busy 4-lane intersection. Cars were weaving & hitting their brakes doing everything to try to not hit this little guy. He was kind of confused & was running as fast as he could one way, then another. I thought I gotta get out & go get him, he's gonna cause a wreck or worse get run over! I slammed on my emergency brake. Ran over & picked him up. A few people thanked me because he seriously was causing a lot of trouble & could have easily got run over ( which was my worst fear ). He looked like he had not eaten in a few days. I drove down the street to a local market & bought some dog food. I bought a small bag of dry that he could eat while we took care of him but I also bought a small can of wet food that I could feed him right away. When I got back to the car I opened the small can & put it in the floorboard of my truck. I placed him down there & with 1 second he was wolfing it down. By the time I got to the restaurant to pick up our food he had already wolfed down 95% of it, ha ha! I guess he was hungry! Later we went to the store & got some dog shampoo. He smelled pretty bad! He was also covered in fleas. He really loved getting a bath. I bet it made him feel a lot better plus we got most of the fleas off of him. Here's a photo we took later. We don't know at all what kind of dog he is. Does anyone here know what sort of breed he is?


  1. Not sure what kind of breed he is, but I think it would or will be a little hard to tell because his coat and color and physical look could be because of mange!!!! I applaud you for what you have done yet I would hope and cation you that you should take this little guy to a vet so you can see if it cost worthy of keeping him. or take him to a local shelter if your not ready for the bills of finding such a dog either way wither you keep the dog I am sure either place could try to guess the dogs breed. Good Luck:)

  2. He's a lucky dog!

    Great story, you're a hero, you are Batman! LOL

    Glad he found a home.

  3. Now there's a restore my faith in humanity story. Well done. I don't know anything much about dogs so can't tell you what breed he is, but he might be a little older than he looks, he's so emaciated. Poor little guy. There's a sad story there but you gave it a happy ending. You might check with a local vet or ASPCA since they could probably confirm the breed(s) and give you an estimate on age and alert you to any health problems that might have arisen from his life as a stray. What a great name too!

  4. That was a very nice thing to do - way to go!

    BTW he looks like a Pit Bull to me.

  5. That's a great story! Very loveable! Keep us informed about the trip to a VET. I know it's not about Batman, but I think you owe it to us now ;) Jasper is a great name by the way!

  6. I'm almost 100% certain that's a puppy Pitbull, it should'nt be that thin but obviously if Jasper has'nt been well fed that'd be why. Dont let Pitbull's bad press put you off either, there beautiful dogs, like any dog, just need the right nurture.

    Fantastic story though, well done to you! My dog is a rescued too.


  7. i've checked your site for a while now re: bat toys - which is great,thanks. by far, though - this is the best story yet. GOOD FOR YOU! hope you can keep him and take him to a vet to make sure he's OK healthwise. i know some pups do have parvovirus, etc. they should be able to give him what he needs without breaking your bank. what a great story; REALLY glad to hear you stopped for this guy. animals are people too!

  8. Thank God for people like you. Thanks for sharing & keep us informed,
