Some of my best material is submitted by readers mainly because they think of stuff I might not. Here's an example: Included here are a few comic strips sent in by various readers. The 1st one is a political humor comic strip titled THIS MODERN WORLD & done by Tom Tomorrow. It features a lot of the characters from the 1966 TV Show, awesome! ( If you need the picture to be bigger to read it just click on it ). The 2nd one is also a political humor comic strip. It was done in 1999 & appeared in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper. I guess Munsingwear was in court over copyright infringements with another company. This comic sort of makes fun of that but check out one of the Penguins, ha ha! The last one is a funny twist on Ronald McDonald. This was sent to us in response of another post we did awhile back with a McDonalds theme. I wanna thank everybody who sent these. They're all extremely funny & made my day! I wanna invite all Bat-Blog Readers to send us ANY Batman-related material they might're the best!
Ahahaha that last one is awesome!
I agree, the art style & the coloring are great!
Tom Tomorrow's stuff is usually pretty clever, and this homage to the '60s Batman show is very well done!
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