June 18, 2008

NYC? Check Out TOYS-R-US in New York City for THE DARK KNIGHT Store Display!

If you're a Batman Fan, who lives in New York City, then you gotta go hit-up your TOYS R US store to check out their elaborate DARK KNIGHT store displays! A friend to the Bat-Blog, nicknamed "H", sent these 2 cool photos with his cel phone showing a HUGE Tumbler Batmobile display model & a Bat-Suit costume. Personally, I would kill to have that Tumbler Model, it looks awesome! If any other readers see any cool store display material please shoot us a photo, the e-mail button is on the top right-hand side of this page. One last thing, "H" thank you very much for thinking about the Bat-Blog & sending these photos. I know you were kinda skeptical about the quality ( cel phone) of these pics but they give us a really great idea on what the stuff looks like & I appreciate that!

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