May 6, 2008

New Photo of AARON ECKHART AS TWO-FACE From The Dark Knight Batman Movie ( Harvey Dent )

Here's a new photo of TWO-FACE that is being circulated all over the internet &, for right now, nobody knows if it's official ( leaked by Warner Bros ) or just a fan-made photoshopped pic but it does look extremely cool! If Aaron Eckhart ends up looking like this in the new DARK KNIGHT Batman Movie then it's gonna be very very scary! What do you think? Do you think it's real or fake? Leave a comment down below.


funkdigital said...

I'm a little stoked about this movie. I hope it lives up tomy high expectations.

Unknown said...

I think it would look something like this. The previous Two-Face by Tommy Lee Jones was a cartoony getup. That movie in general had a cartoon feel. The Dark Knight serious brings the darkness of Gotham to it's peak and shows what really would happen.

Anonymous said...

I actually think that is'nt official, though it does look very cool and I hope The Dark Night Two Face is similiar!

I dont think it's official becuase it looks more cgi than make up to me and as we know these films to not favor cgi.

I could be wrong but I dont think we'll see much of Two Face at all in The Dark Knight; I think we'll see Harvey Dent's transformation and maybe then some, but I think Two Face's look is something they'll want to keep a lid on.

Like when we saw the Joker card at the end of Begins.

Unknown said...

Scott, apparently I would have to say it's make up. I live in a suburb of Chicago and while they were filming, we asked a techie if we could say say hi to Aaron, and he promptly told us "No, not at the moment, he's in makeup." So from that, yeah. I would presume it is makeup.

Anonymous said...

Fake. With the realisim that they are trying to maintain with these films, I would have to say fake.
I watched The Dark Knight Movie Trailer 2, and there was a scene in which Harvey Dent was laying on the floor, the left side of his face down, and it would appear that someone was pouring gasoline around him.
Now your automatic assumption would be that as the fuel was lit, that is where the hideous disfiguration would occur.
Later on in the trailer there is a scene in which Harvey Dent was holding a gun, and the left side of his face was indeed scarred that reddish/pink hue as seen in the photo.
However, no human being could survive such damage without infection setting in. And let's face it, the getup looks just as unrealistic as Tommy Lee Jones did in Batman Forever.
And as I said before, realism is a key element in these films.

Anonymous said...

it's hard to say..but i'm guessing have an awesome blog here..i'm a big batman fan myself..keep up the good work..

Anonymous said...

oh! btw, here's what i found in the Net Two-Face.. i think that's the official "look"..

Anonymous said...


Mark Slater said...

if the photo wasn't so pixelated / grainy i might be more inclined to believe it to be an actual image of Eckhart as Two-Face in full make-up. however i am also of the opinion that it's just going to be more fun to wait and see! =D said...

I posted it on my website: Rama's SCREEN
last week and then WB e-mailed me, they requested me to remove the image from the page.
So I had to take the picture down.

That indicates that there's a big possibility this image is indeed real.

Has WB contacted you yet?


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be surprised if it was real, or if they are going to have a face very similar to this considering how dark and scary the theme is for the movie, as this would be a great creepy look for Two-Face.

Tommy! said...

WOW! The responses to this post have been really great, I appreciate that!

It looks like most people are about 50/50 as to if this is a real movie photo or not. I hope this is what WILL happen in the Dark Knight movie because it looks extremely scary!

I guess we'll all have to wait & see!

Thomas Stalcup Jr (TJ) said...

It's definitely real, this is the 10th site i've had to go to in order to find the image. The other 9 said "Taken down after requests from Warner Brothers". What does that tell you?

2facedent said...

this is the real pic 110% truth, the movie was released here in australia on the 16th of july at 11.45 am and i was the first in line for the first showing and let me tell you the movie is absolutely brilliant, the show entirely stolen by the Joker, Harvery "Two Face" Dent's face was made with CGI hence it not looking like makeup and much more sinister!