December 8, 2007

Vintage 80's TV Commercial: Batman & Robin Christmas Shopping at Zayres

I ran this video last year around Christmas time but it's still one of my favorites. It's a Vintage 1980's TV Commercial for Zayre's Department Store. It's funny, the actors sort of try to act like Adam West & Burt Ward, plus the costumes are great! There is also a very cool Batmobile replica car...nice!


Zanet Design Ltd said...

i love your nostalgic comments
Though if we are going to talk TV Nostalgia then Joe 90 takes some beating

we have a group that is all about nostalgic photos in conjunction with the
Skooldays Nostalgic website

as you have some great photos, i wondered if you would like to join our group and add any comments at
Skooldays Flickr Group

Also you may be interested in our nostalgic blog:
Skooldays Nostalgic Blog

ozz said...

It seems like Master Wayne and Master Grayson would've just had Alfred take care of the shopping.