Thirty-something years ago there was a set of COMIC CUPS given away by 7-Eleven They as a promotional gimmick. They featured DC Comics superheroes with many different Batman characters like Batman, Robin, Bruce Wayne, Catwoman, The Joker, Dick Grayson, The Riddler, Alfred, The Penguin, Batgirl, & many more. The 1st picture shows a few of the icee cups as an example. But, the 2nd photo is a graphic check list they released in 1974 showing all 60 cups. I know a lot of Bat-Blog reders are collecting these & this list is a great reference, enjoy.
That's awesome. I remember these cups but I had no idea some of those secondary characters were actually made, and using such vintage Moldoff bat-art as late as the 70s. Notice on the master list how "Mary Marvel" has become "Ms Shazam." What's up with THAT?
Also, 7-11 sold these with Slurpee's, not Icees. The only place I remember seeing Icees, oddly enough, was K-Mart (!).
That's interesting about the "slurpee thing". Here in Oklahoma they're called ICEE DRINKS. I guess it's a regional deal. I know that 7-11 started in Texas but heard that they sold the company to Japan....weird huh?
Here in NJ I was within walking distance of a 7-11 I accumulated quite a collection and had my fill of Coca-Cola Slurpees.
I was lucky enough to have a paper route at the time and we had enough litter-bugs in the neighborhood that I was frequently able to supplement my collection by picking up ones by the side of the road.
I was so desperate for ones I didn't have yet, that I even collected broken shards of the ones cars had driven over.
I have some of these Slurpee cups. Any suggestions on where to sell them?
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