June 14, 2007


Here's a photo of the NEW Batman Bat-Suit Costume. This will be the NEW Bat-Suit worn by Christian Bale in the Batman Begins 2 Movie THE DARK KNIGHT. So, what do you guys think about it? I like the cowl, cape, & belt...pretty cool! Be sure 2 click on the picture for a much larger photo. The photo is from Entertainment Weekly & sent in by a Bat-Blog reader. Later, another reader, said that this story was featured at a site called "Superhero Hype" so be sure to check them out too.


  1. The cowl is a big improvement over the one in the last movie, and I like that they made it so he can now turn his head. I can understand using the body armor concept, but I still wish they would incorporate some gray into the costume so that there's some contrast. All that work they put into the design, and you can barely see it. He practically disappears amid the dark sets. It would also look more like the comic. Batman's the one superhero whose always had a costume not in keeping with the comic.

  2. I'd much prefer the classic costume- gray and black. Like the one that was in the Batman: Dead End short film.

  3. Bruce: I need a new suit.

    Lucius: Well, three buttons is a bit '90s, Mr. Wayne.

    I like how in the Nolan's movies, they've gave us some semblance of an explanation of how the suits came to be and what the purposes and functions are.
