In 1989, during the mass-product craze for the 1st Batman Movie, some company actually made BATMAN TORTILLA CHIPS! I had a picture of those ( sealed in the bag ) in a previous post but recently a loyal BAT-BLOG Reader sent in this photo of an actual's bat-shaped! Another bit of madness is this BATMAN HAMPSTER HOUSE. This is a brand new product you can go get at Target Stores tonight! When the hampster runs in his wheel it makes a PVC Figure of Batman spin around, ha ha, really! They also made a Superman one also but who cares. The 3rd bit of strangeness are these Batman sneakers made by Converse. You can find them, and others, at Amazon of all places.
OMG!!!! I had a pair of these. Truth be told, I had a pair of the Batman and a pair of the Joker. And I wore a different one on each foot.
I totally forgot about that!!!!
Just what is so weird about the sneakers. The hamster cage yes, probably the oddest. Yes I bought a pair of them (the sneakers)
Yeah, I think the hamster house is the strangest thing I've seen here so far. I have a feeling it'll be tough to top that one.
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