September 29, 2014

#BATMAN IN THE ART WORLD - Actor John Malkovich Channels His Inner-JOKER!

In the Ultra-Serious Fine Art World right now there's something happening which is causing quite a buzz. The Actor John Malkovich teamed-up with a Photographer named Sandro Miller and their goal has been to create a show called, "MALKOVICH, MALKOVICH, MALKOVICH, HOMAGE TO PHOTOGRAPHIC MASTERS". 

Yes, they are reproducing extremely famous and very iconic works of art using John Malkovich as the model. Many of them are instantly recognizable and quite funny!

The show opens at the CATHERINE EDELMAN GALLERY on November 7th, 2014, and will run until January 31st, 2015. For more details, and to see way more of this kick ass artwork, just click the Gallery name up above.

Now, how does this relate to "Batman"? Well, one set of photos they decided to parody is the famous pics shot by the Fashion Photographer, Herb Ritts, of Jack Nicholson as "the Joker" from the 1989 BATMAN Movie. 

This was a famous photo shoot even back then. For reference I'm showing one of the "Jack Nicholson" pics down below.

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