August 26, 2014

BATGIRL AND ROBIN - Free #Batman Wallpapers

Yesterday, while goofing around on Facebook, I had a friend named Amy request some Batman Wallpaper that featured "Batgirl and Robin". I asked, "Which version of the characters do you like?" and she replied, "The Animated Series". So, I thought no problem, that should be easy!

Well, long story short, it took an hour or two to find ANY kind of graphics like that, ha! It's weird, it took a lot longer than I thought, I screwed-up!

So anyways, here are some of the graphics I found and I've posted these backgrounds. The ones up top are kind of close to what I had in mind and they do have "Batgirl & Robin from the TV cartoons. 

The ones down below are some great pictures I found but they were not exactly what she asked for. But I'm including them here just in case someone else might like them. So, here we go!

(Thanks Amy!)

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