December 19, 2012

French BATMAN Merchandise and Collectibles - From France!!

 Here's a quick post to share some really fun pics sent in to us by our good friend Andrew who lives in Europe. Yes, these are "French and British" items! Something else that's interesting is that they are "something old and something new".

First the OLD item:
  Here's an empty package of some BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES Potato Chips ( There, they call them "crisps" ) with beautiful graphics. These crisps were pretty rare even in UK, produced by Tayto of Northern Ireland. These came out around 1994.

Now the NEW:
  This is a photo taken of a recent advertisement from a French Newspaper. When I say "recent", it was just a few days ago. So, this is stuff you can buy right now... if you live there, ha! It advertises a new line of DC Comics Superhero merchandise. Yeah, we're talkin' Batman, Superman, The Flash, and Wonder Woman. As you can see they're mostly home decorating items like Bedding, Storage Boxes, Blankets, Pillows, Bathroom Accessories, etc... very cool! ( Thanks Andrew! )

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any idea of the name of the store? I've got to have that comforter!
