November 4, 2009

FINE ART: Biadza's BATMAN and JOKER Drawings!

One aspect of doing the Bat-Blog that I really love is getting to meet other Bat-Fans from around the globe. It's a really neat experience. Here's a perfect example: Here are some drawings sent in by a girl named Biadza, who is 21 years old & lives in France. Oh man, what a beautiful place. I have always wanted to go there. Anyways, she was kind enough to send some Batman-related artwork he did of Batman & the Joker. Both pieces are extremely original & I really like them. Now, I wanna thank Biadza for sending these in, they're wonderful. And, as always, I want to invite any other creative people to send their work in too. Remember: Sharing the love of the Batman Universe is the main function of this site.

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