October 12, 2009

NEWS STORY: Batman Fan is Still a Bat-Fan 43 Years Later!

This vintage photo is a picture of a very young Batman Fan wearing a Classic Bat-Logo T-Shirt, Circa 1966. His name is John. He is still, to this very day, a Batman Fan! That's AWESOME! Here is his story about the photo:
We all must have had one of these Batman T-shirts! Here I am at the Jersey Shore in 1966...so I`m 4 years old here...WOW! I remember tons of those "See-Thru" Batman kites flying on the beach and most of the games of chance, called "wheels", on the boardwalk were offering plush Batman dolls. What a time!
Ya know, I can totally relate to this except for the "Jersey Shore" part. Ha Ha! I grew-up in Oklahoma. We don't have beaches here! But I have been a fan since 1966 as well. I was born in 1964, making me 2 years old when the TV Show came out. Over the years I got into the comics, other cartoons, movies, toys ( new & vintage ), and today I write a blog about it. Honestly, the best part of doing this blog is getting pictures like this & meeting other Batman Fans. Thanks John for sending it in. I wanna invite any & ALL Bat-Blog Readers or Fans to send in their memories. It can be pictures of yourself wearing Bat-Gear or some vintage toys you liked, your collection today, whatever, just share with us why you like Batman. Thanks.


  1. When I was a little kid, my grandpa showed me a t-shirt just like that. He knew I was a fan of the TV show, so he probably thought I'd think that was cool. I wonder why he didn't just give it to me! I'd have grown into it!

  2. I have that sme same shirt!
    My Mom bought it for me when I was three back in '66!
